Sunday, October 24, 2010

7 - TV sitcoms

TV sitcoms have certain characteristics by which they are defined. Usually, sitcoms are defined as episodic, but some become serial after a while. Episodic means that the ideas are not carried on from episode to episode; someone can watch an episode in the middle of the series and they will be able to understand and enjoy it, no questions asked. An episodic sitcom is predictable and follows a familiar plot development cycle. It also ends about where it begins. This means that there isn’t much character development and that the plot idea does not follow over to the next episode. However, some TV sitcoms do have bits of serial concepts mixed in. Serial means that there is character development shown over time. Also, the ideas begin to carry over from episode to episode.
For example, The Big Bang Theory can be described as episodic because there isn’t much character growth from episode to episode and every episode starts with a new idea. This show focuses around the main character Leonard who is constantly looking for a relationship. Penny, his neighbor, and Leonard provide the sexual tension from episode to episode. Sheldon, Leonard’s roommate, supplies the comic relief. Their friend’s Howard, the “lady’s man,” and Rajesh, who cannot talk to women, also provide comic relief. Each episode revolves around some issue that is usually always resolved at the end. However, it can also be characterized as serial because over time, there is character development shown. Slowly throughout the series, Penny matures and Leonard becomes less “geeky.” Also, there are ideas that begin to carry throughout the series. For example, Sheldon gets a “girl friend.” Moreover, Leonard’s and Penny’s on-again, off-again relationship begins to become a reoccurring idea.
Even though episodic and serial are complete opposites, a sitcom can contain components of both concepts. The Big Bang Theory is a perfect example because each episode can stand on its own, making it episodic, but if you look at the episodes together, ideas start to carry over and it becomes serial.

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